Ballistamon is a Machine Digimon. It is a heavyweight Digimon that possesses bulky metallic armor and overwhelming power. It appears warlike at first glance, but because of its gentle personality, preferring harmony to conflict, it will never attack first. However, if it gets into a fight, it becomes a powerful and matchless fighter that swings its stout arms and wipes out the opponent. With its heavy armor and great power, its potential for both offense and defense is great, and if it connects with a hit then it doesn't quit, although its specialty is a one-hit knockout attack which capitalizes on its great power. However, its too-heavy body can be its ruin and there is a problem with its keenness, so it is not very good at fighting with fast-moving opponents. The horn on its head is its pride, and though the horn becomes the essence of its close-combat attacks, it hates for the horn to be carelessly touched.. |